Oxford Postdoctoral fellowship UK


Oxford  Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme is a competitive program that aims to attract outstanding early career researchers who are working in areas of strategic importance to obtain experience in research and teaching in the university environment, which will strengthen their curriculum vitae and improve their prospects of obtaining permanent posts by the end of the fellowship.

Oxford University offers a variety of postdoctoral fellowships for researchers who have recently completed their doctoral studies. These fellowships provide funding and support for researchers to continue their work at Oxford and contribute to the university’s research community.

oxford fellowships are typically awarded for a period of between 12-36months, and provide a stipend, research expenses, and access to Oxford libraries and research facilities.

List of some Oxford postdoctoral fellowship scheme

Oxford postdoc fellowship has a variety of schemes to host postdoctoral academics. Among these are:

British Academy Postdoctoral Fellowship

The British Academy offers postdoctoral fellowships to support early career researchers who are working in the humanities and social sciences. These fellowships are typically awarded for a period of one to three years and provide funding for research and travel.


Application Steps and criteria

Applicants applying to hold fellowships in the Faculty of English Language and Literature at Oxford are required to follow the steps listed below:

  • Carefully consider whether this is the best year for you to make the application for the program. Unsuccessful applicants will only be able to resubmit the following year if they are invited to do so by the British Academy.
  • Ensure you meet the eligibility criteria. You must have completed your viva voce between 1 April 2020 and 1 April 2023, plus you must not have held a permanent academic post. You are encouraged to provide a statement of any circumstances that you feel may have impacted your research track record.  Any information received will be treated confidentially and shared only with the Chair of the selection panel.
  • Think about your choice of referee for the BA application. One referee, usually the external examiner, is required.
  • Identify and approach a potential Faculty mentor. Ask your mentor to write a brief statement of support, confirming that they would be happy to act in this role. Statements and any questions about them should be emailed to ref@ell.ox.ac.uk
  • Prepare and submit the Expression of Interest form to ref@ell.ox.ac.uk by

Further details can be found on the British Academy website.

Leverhulme Trust Early Career Fellowship:

The Leverhulme Trust Fellowships are intended to assist researchers at a relatively early stage of their academic careers, and it is hoped that the appointment would lead to a more permanent position for the individual, either within the same or another institution. The fellowships are typically awarded for a period three years and provide funding for research and travel.

The deadline for the Leverhulme scheme is 23 February 2023, but to enable the Faculty to select the candidates that it wishes to support, applicants must submit expressions of interest to the Faculty (to ref@ell.ox.ac.uk).

Expressions of interest should consist of items highlighted below:

  • CV not more than 2 pages including education, publications, awards, thesis title, and examiners;
  • a maximum two-page draft statement of research
  • Abstract of 150-word summarizing the research for a general audience
  • an indication of what additional research expenses may be claimed (up to £6,000 p.a. available from the Leverhulme Trust);
  • whether you have identified a Faculty mentor who would be prepared to support your application.

Two references must be sent directly to the Faculty by Sunday, 11 December 2022 (you must request that your referees send their references to the Faculty by this date)

Potential applicants must not open a Leverhulme application until Faculty support is confirmed in writing.

Please note The Leverhulme Trust panel that makes these awards encourages a change of institution for its award holders. Potential applicants with Oxford DPhils must therefore ensure that their draft statement of research makes a compelling case as to why they need to remain at Oxford to undertake postdoctoral work.

Please ensure you meet the eligibility criteria for the Leverhulme scheme before applying.

Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship:

This fellowship program is funded by the European Union and is open to researchers from all over the world. Fellowships are awarded for a period of one to two years and provide funding for research and travel. Applications for the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Individual Fellowship are typically open in the fall, with a deadline in September

The Faculty Invites Expressions of Interest from researchers who wish to apply to the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship scheme (European Fellowships).

The European Fellowships last for 12– 24 months. Applicants should normally have a doctorate. They should not have lived in the UK for more than 12 months in the three years before the funder deadline.

Next call for application is April 13, 2023

The Faculty will select applications to support. Interested applicants should send a CV, including a list of publications, and a two-page outline of the proposed research, addressing the aims and objectives of their intended project, research questions, its methodology, as well as intended outcomes, to ref@ell.ox.ac.uk.

Applicants should mention the name of a member of the Faculty who is willing to act as their sponsor, and describe how their research would enrich the Faculty’s portfolio and should also ask a referee to send a brief letter of support to the same address.

For more details visit the Oxford Application page

Where is oxford university located and when was it established?

Oxford University is located in Oxford, England, Oxford Is a City in the South East region of England and it is about 60 miles Northwest of London.

Address: Oxford OX1 2JD, UK The University of Oxford.

Oxford university was established around 1096, it is the oldest university in the English-speaking world.

Who is a research fellow and what is expected of a research fellow?

A research fellow could be described as a junior researcher who is working on a specific project or research usually under the supervision of a senior researcher, research fellow engaged in research typically in the academia or research institute.

Research fellows may be graduate students or postdoctoral scholars who are collaborating with others on research projects. they may be funded by grants, scholarships, or external funding or may be supported by host institutions.

Read also difference between Fellowships and Scholarship

How to Complete Ph.D. degree in less than 3 years

In some instances, research fellows are expected to teach or mentor other students as part of their position.



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